
Saturday, January 27, 2007

ok, i realise it has been a while. and i apologise, its been a busy couple of months what with catching up at uni and then dealing with xmas and then of course new years i havnt had a chance. and THEN just to add another excuse to the pile we only just got back this week from a 16day road trip around new zealand. so this post will be all about our trip (with photos to come later when ive figured out how to get them off the video camera)

But 1st, you know when you've misplaced something and its constantly nagging at you in the back of your head and you lie awake thinking about it for hours? its happened to me, ive lost my $200 stethoscope. bugger right, well shit. im back at uni in a couple of weeks and going to be up at the hospital most of the year (even get to go into theatre!!! how cool is that) but i wont be going anywhere if i cant find my stupid stethoscope. so if anyone knows where it is, please tell me!!!!!!

Ok, now.. the trip, lets go back to friday the 5th of jan....... the day we are leaving
scott finishes work at 4 and "rushes" home (i say he stayed for at least one beer cos it dont take that long to get home) meanwhile i have packed my, tayla, and scotts clothes, toiletries, camping gear, shoes, blankets, pillows, toys, cameras, lap tops, preetty much everything you can imagine needing when you are leaving home for over 2 weeks into the car.

sorry to upset the flow of the story, the day before we're due to leave scott takes the car in for a warrant, "dont worry hun, it'll be fine, this cars perfect" $500 later we get the warrant (thank god for speedy mechanics)

ok, where was i?.. oh yeah the afternoon we are leaving,
so scott finally makes it home and i have got all our gear packed up and ready to go, he then proceeds to piss around doing god knows what in the house when FINALLY we're ready to go!
so 1st stop is Tauranga... 5 hour drive.... hot HOT afternoon, but we make it. get there at 10pm
we spent three nights staying at big brother brendon and lisa's house which was very cool, i got beat up by both my brother and his sons, and sat and watched in horror as brendon and scott layed into a couple of bottles of home brew spirits, i have blocked most of this traumatic evening out, half because i was boreed stupid when the had a 1hour discussion on the the 'hardness' of metal, and half because of the one game of cribbage that took 2 hours to finish. then theres also the part when i tried to go to bed and read my book and brendon came in and slapped me as hard as he could across the face... twice.... for being antisocial... but all in all it was good fun. took kahu and tayla to mini golf and then we all went to the beach and played in fish eggs! haha nah tauranga/papamoa was a wicked place and would definately like to go back there again soon!

so when we finally left there we drove to napier, didnt really see much of it, stayed in a camp ground with our totally mantis tent and drank wine etc. was cool though, got up early the next morning, packed up and drove to wellington.

now somewhere along the line in this SCOTT was navigating... so we took one of the largest detours known to man, driving along and i look out the window to see a lake.. "whats that lake?" i ask him. "its not" he says, "its a river." "No," says i, "its a lake, i can tell" "theres no lake on here babes," (insert patronising cornish accent here) "im looking at the map and theres no lake, only a river, so we are here" (points patronising cornish finger at map) "rivers dont have black swans" i say " and i can just tell" This went on for quite some time, tis a river, no its a lake blah blah blah till into the car crept that unmistakable eggy smell of sulpher..... "i thought you said we werent going anywhere near rotorua" i say "we're not" says scott, starting to look slightly nervous. "so why can i see heaps of steam coming from over there?" i say, knowing that i am lining myself up for the best 'i told you so moment' in history. "um.... im not too sure... hang on" says scott as he desparately rummages through the map. "um.." says scott "we're over here" pointing to the other side of the map. "oops?" say mr. never wrong
so, for all you men that carry on about women navigators being terrible, i will just like to make it known that i not once got us lost or in the place while navigating.. scott however......

so yeah, we drove from napier to wellington over some of the coolest roads ive ever seen and over some of the coolest hills/mountain ranges ever! and stayed the night and our friends dads house. now this was an interesting part of the trip, and for good reason. our mates dad is gay, lives with his partner and their very 'camp' friend so we sat around and ate dinner as 'queen' jokes were made and hands were flailed. i had a ball, they were 3 great guys who definately know their way around the kitchen (was very funny watching them squabble as dinner was prepared) then we got up at some stupid hour of the morning and drove down to the ferry. (by the way, wellington roads, are SCARY AS HELL) finally got on the ferry and prepared for a drizzly crossing. was an easy enough crossing, the worst part would have to be the pathetic excuse for a magician they had on board to entertain the kids. he was predictable, rude, patronising (i dont think he liked kids... umm? hello! wrong profession buddy) and the kids all saw through most of his tricks, (we also saw him on the way back doing the exact same routine word for word) got to picton and we were off again in the car!!

*right, i am going to have to take a break here for a bit, as 1; my fingers hurt, and 2; taylas got a couple of friends over and they have gone quiet... which usually means they are plotting against me, so i have to go and put a stop to that! but don't fret, i will be back to tell of our south island adventures soon*

Friday, November 03, 2006

right, where to begin.... well,

as most of you know i have recently gotten out of the hospital having been diagnosed with bells palsy, which sux, but you will be happy to know that i am no longer eating those horrific food in a can shake things the doctors have been getting me to eat/try not to vomit back up again.
and i can nearly blink with my left eye but am still covering it up when i go out etc cos it gets pretty sore. i am getting the hang of drinking without a straw, but nothing fizzy, haha you dont want to know what happens when i try and drink coke.
i have 3 weeks to go till ive finished my 1st year of my degree and the tutors dont think i am well enough to finish but i am going to show them! there is no way i am wasting the last 6 months. other than that, all is good.

On a brighter note, having trev, breda, and the triplets here has been great! (other than all the time i missed seeing them cos i was in hospital) so many babies!! They sure have got their hands full there!! (ha, sorry trev i had to do it) Seriously though the kids are awsome, and the parents are doing bloody well in my opinion, just watching those baby einstein movies over and over again would be enough to turn me a little loopy (they dont seem to have any effect on trev, breda however... i will say no more aye breda)

anyway, have to go do some work, will update properly later and hopefully put some photos on when i get them!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

happy birthday to me (for a few days ago)
i will try my best to recap my birthday as best i can but you will see very quickly why i may find that difficult.....
7am. i have my first vodka shot. happy bday to me! went to the farmers market and bought fruit and vegetables, i too was asking evereyon why we were buying fruit and vegetables at 7.30 in the morning on my bday but nobody heard me... or they just pretended i wasnt there?
9am. back at home, drag some mattress things up to the top deck and lie in the sun with me mate taran, we quickly realise that something is missing and grab a couple of plates filled with vodka jelly shots (we made over 300 of them the day before) and by 11am im toast.
spent most of the day in a rather pleasant state of drunkeness, had a few relaxing hours in the spa. then the boys came home. i have no ida what time this was as by then i had lost all knowledge of the mere concept of time, but from there it went on to me ending up in the spa fully clothed, mandarin fights and many a dirty joke told.
by 4pm i was done and knowing that w were having a party that night didnt help. i tried to sleep but couldnt cos people were coming and going to see me, so i drank some more and dont really remember a lot else.
if u were at my party, please do fill me in on anything i may have missed, because once i cracked the bottle of bacardi 151% andygot me everything turned a little hazy for me
id put some photos up if i had any, but i dont.. i couldnt work a lighter that night let alone a camera!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

painting im doing at minute

(all very boring really)

me (duh)

parahaki done in crayon

princess tayla!

well its 3.15am, appears i am making a habit of these late night/early morning posts!
had my 2nd shift at the resthome today, on night shift tomorrow... that should be interesting, they have happy hour on thursday nights so ill be there for that too haha.
not a lot going on here at the moment, the family is trying to get ready for the arrival of his royal highness and the triplets (lol kidding trev... maybe) and me and andys bdays are coming up soon. i have come to one conclusion about something (yay only took nearly 24years) my mother really doesnt know me at all, 3 weeks ago she asks me what i am doing on friday the 22nd o sep for a dinner at mema'a place .... um.... i dont even knowo what i am doing tomorrow... ive never been good at the whole planning thing and yet she never seems to get that, her and mal both constantly do it, ask me what im doing in 2 weeks time for something or other and then get all miffed at me when i say i dont know. mum.. if ur reading this I DONT KNOW! and then she turns around and says, "well andy and nat are coming".. oh.. yeah know we know who the favourites are huh, typical. i have always had an issue with this, (here we go off on a tangent, u ready?) andy, my little brother, i love him to pieces and hes the best bastard i know, here comes the but, BUT, he was a little shit growing up, hit his teens and got even worse, if there was something you could get caught for, he would.. seriously, like the worlds worst criminal EVER. i however, an angel i tell ya, didnt get caught doing anything terrible, and im not saying i never did anything terrible, i'm just saying i never got caught! and yet, i am the 'black sheep' of our rather skewed family, i mean come on! im the only farking girl and im the bad sheep?? wtf, how does that work? i guess andy will always be the apple of our mothers eye lol, what a little pussy. now i'm not bitter or anything (just incase it comes across that way) im just saying.. IM THE GOOD ONE GOD DAMN IT, the fact that i couldnt plan my way out of a paper bag has nothing to do with it!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

ok, so im still useless!! but its 1.20am on a monday night and im taking a break from essay writing for a while, really doing my head in!
now as its been a while ya'll prob wanna hear what ive been up to. well... nothing. hows that for intersting shit! ive been studying, going to the gym, playing squash, and studying. it really is a sad existance i am living at the moment.
only one week of classes left then into the rest homes for 2 weeks then 2 weeks holiday then rest homes for another week... yes i said resthomes *argghhh* i am SO not looking forward to it, i just know im going to get the dirty old man that wants me to shower him 3 times a day!! that'd be just my luck. we had a class the other day on how to help someone die.... i thought that was illigal! but no, thats not what the lecturer meant. haha so yeah im a little freaked out about the whole thing really. i got into this to see blood and guts and instead i have to wipe asses.... not impressed.

my birthday soon though so will have to have a blow out for that i think! cant wait for summer, went to the beach on sunday and it was awsome, went for a huge swim and just chilled out with some mates so now im hanging out for summer.
my goal this year is to learn to surf, ive got a surfboard lined up and get it in 2 weeks so it should be fun, im a little nervous about it though cos i remember trev being taught how to surf by my boyfriend at the time and how hard i was laughing the whole time.... ill be going to a quiet beach with no spectators i think!

well i better get back to my essay, i have some photos to post too but ill leave that till tomorrow i think cos otherwise ill never do my essay

xoxox al

Friday, August 11, 2006

ok, so im useless.... but i have a reason!....oh, right, i dont.... sorry...
i know its been a long long time, but im here now so what do u want to know???
got my grades back from last semester, got 3distinctions and 2merits 1pass. so im stoked, you have to be at nearly 100% to get a distinction!! and our tutors were telling us that hardly anyone ever got merits so i did good!!
i have a new car too, honda domani, black, low and faaaaaaaast. yeah baby! so scott has adopted my old gal the subaru and i have the beast.
have to run as i have an essay to write but i will come back on tonight and do a proper update, i only came on now cos i got the guilts so, back later

Thursday, July 06, 2006

so, i was hungover for 2 days after saturday. this week actually feels as if it is only just starting. Saturday night didnt help me quit smoking in fact my lungs still hurt.
Have you notice (all you smokers/ex smokers out there) that when you're quitting you mope around like you're sick, because well surely you must be sick to not be smoking right?... nah me either, i smoked with tonsilitis and i smoked when in hospital for random operations etc last year, anyway i digress.. I feel like i must be sick, im miserable, grumpy and snappy as all hell, and to be honest im missing my best bud dunhill. So why am i doing this to myself? well because apparently as a health professional i should know better... whatever, there are more nurses and doctors that smoke than there are bloody truck drivers. Scotts making me quit, i mean really, you ask a smoker to marry you, then you're marrying a fricken smoker aint ya.... nooooooo apparently not. you see once said shiny diamond ring is on finger..... i lose any say i may have had over my own health, "its not just about you any more" says the bloody cornish git with a cigarette in his hand, "you have to be around for years to come to look after me and tay and the 4 more kids i want" ..... thats right he said 4, you heard right... but thats another story for another time, So i agree to quit, and for 3 months he was telling me daily how well i was doing (little did he know that i was still smoking half a pack a day at uni) then a friend came round and being the ditzy should be blonde that she is let it slip, and not just that id been sneaking smokes, but that i hadnt quit at all... so the punishing ACTUAL quitting began. all was going well untill saturday, alcohol for africa and cigarettes for me!
Anyway, Scott has gone to australia for work and me and tay are home alone, so let the smoking begin... its not that i am doing this to spite him, its just that cold turkey is a little hard for me, so i'll ease into it... hehe.... tomorrow night i am having a small gathering to try and get rid of the tray of vodka/bacardi jelly shots, and drink every scrap of alcohol left in this house (there is a LOT of it) because scott is bringing more back duty free and he's going to be out on the piss every night in auzzie anyway so i figure why cant i have a little fun? thats right, i can and will.
The spa is hot, the stereo is loud, what more do i need? ..... oh thats right, gotta nip down the shop for some smokes.. lol hehe
Have a lovely weekend everyone, i know i will

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Nearly the end of the 2nd week of my 4week holiday, im bored... boredboredboredbored. seriously i would rather have had one week off and gone back straight away, nevermind, ill have another 2weeks to be miserable and bored at home.
I have had a couple of things to do this week though, this weekend is my dads big 50th birthday party, yeah it should be awsome, i have one problem, its a cocktail party, which means..... i have to wear.... (gulp) a dress!!! uh huh i know, scary stuff huh.
So the other day i went into town with a friend steph who is doing the degree with me and i thought well shit i'm here and it has to be done so i guess ill go shopping for a dress, now to all those that are thinking "why the hell is she putting a blog entry in about dress shopping??" its not because i like shopping, and its not even because i am that bored that i will write about anything, its because i DO NOT wear dresses, they are stupid stupid things. anyway, where was i....
oh yeah, so i had to go around trying on stupid dresses, steph kept picking out things with frills and even (shudder) pink... but i found one, its black, and isnt frilly.. anyway the horrors dont end there, steph being the girly girl that she is, and is somewhat of an expert on dressing up (she wore heels when we took the kids to go see cars) then tells me that we have to go and buy some shoes.... i believe she uttered the words strappy and high... i was feeling a little dizzy by this stage and had to sit down, but she was relentless and told me i could sit down when i was trying on shoes.
Sooooo off the the shoestore we go, the first thing she brought me had sparkly things on them... the 2nd one had, yep you guessed it pink, the third looked like they would be better suited as a deadly weapon and i knew that if i wore them the only person they were going to be deadly for was me... right... stop....i then have to explain to my petite blonde friend that while i know that her idea of a cocktail party involves intelligent conversation, sophistocated entertainment, and pretty frilly little drinks, this was my father, and the only reason it was a dressy cocktail party is because my step mother is desparate to see my dad in something that isnt full of holes or covered in dirt, (he didnt even wear a tie or button his shirt properly for their wedding) and there will be a very noisy live band, and enough rum to justify our family having shares in coruba and bacardi, i had to explain to her that it was on his property at the beach out the heads and that i would actually have to go outside and move around in these "shoes" she was pushing on me, so we found a pair of black heels that im willing to put money on being taken off before 10pm.
so yeah, thats about as exciting as my week has been, however i am sure i will have some good stories to tell after saturday

Monday, June 19, 2006

its over!
i am officially on holiday for 4 whole weeks!!!! PASSED ALL MY EXAMS and taylas birthday went well, so i can now relax, do whatever i want, and not be all stressed out n shit. yay
i can finally finish that damn painting and spend some proper time with tay. today we are going to go through her room and throw away all the old junk toys etc.. a task i am not looking forward to as tayla is a little hoarder.
trev, if ur reading this, i pity you when you get to this stage buddy. i mean tayla alone has enough toys to sink a ship, and she doesnt even play with over half of them, so i hate to think what the triplets rooms gunna look like!
So, when i go back to uni, im no longer a baby anymore! there will have been a new intake come through and they will be looking at us like WE know everything (thats how we looked at all the unit2 nurses) wont we be special haha
4 weeks.... hmmm what to do

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

sorry its been a while. this week is exam week. 6 exams, 4 days, so if i appear a little enxious and have developed a nervous twitch... thats why.
who wants to know about my exams to date? noone? well tough shit, cos im going to tell you.
Monday. first thing in the morning i had bioscience.... nervous systen, special senses, arrggghhh.
not easy but i think i did ok, i only need 60% to pass. monday afternoon. i had sociology... yawn, lots of writing, lots of big words, amazed i didnt feel asleep half way through, but i finished it and i think i passed that one too.#
Tuesday. first thing in the morning, nursing practice theory, 90questions, 90minutes, but i got it done in just over half an hour, and i got 82% in that one (she marked it nice and quick) tuesday afternoon is where it starts to get hairy, psychology, "oh you'll be fine. i have no worries about you" says the tutor. get bent says i. i think it was the hardest exam ive sat... ever. ive never failed a test let alone an exam... guess theres a first time for everything. but its ok cos i get one resit for it if i need it, should find out tomorrow or friday how bad it was.
Wed morning, Law and legislation, now this one was a piece of piss, and i was done within half an hour, all long answers no multi choice or nothing, so im happy about that. tomorrow afternoon i have my communication interview, where i have to show my empathy and all that other crap.. yeah yeah i know, what empathy right? its ok, i can fake it.
and then im on holiday for 4 whole weeks!!!
Speaking of 4, tayla turns 4 on saturday, so i have also been trying to plan a half arsed birthday party for her for sat afternoon. we went to the warehouse today, and i bought a GIANT bag of those really loud party popper thigs (along with about a hundred other things) i got in trouble from scott for buying them but i dont care, i like things that go bang!
ok im done, have to go get stuff ready for my exam tomorrow, so i will be back when i get my results back and let ya'll know how it all went down

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Afternoon/evening all...
hehe im meant to be studying but i got bored, dont tell on me.
am home alone this afternoon as i had no afternoon lectures and scotts at work + tayla at school, they'll be home soon though.
im finding it distracting to do any work lately because my trade-me addiction has gone one step further and now i cant get off the trade me message boards haha they really are sooooo addictive!!!! so now i dont just buy stuff that i dont need i also go in and talk to a whole lot of people i dont know, what is really disturbing is that we all understand eachother, even when i revert to my crazy speak lol. tis a good place to go have a bitch and moan though.
anyway. i have no news, nothing exciting is happening, im boring i know, sorry about that.

ummmmm......... damn it i can never think of anything when i need to. OH I KNOW!!!
i've quit smoking AND drinking... sux the big one i tells ya, especially at the moment when im stressed bout exams, i mean how am i meant to study without my bacardi???? but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, so if my posts start getting all depressing and angry you know why.

anyway i better go cook dinner or something.. haha yeah right, you all know im going back on trademe, i cant deny it

loves ya!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

i'm scared

exam week coming up really soon, six exams in one week, holy crap, i've been freaking out about having one exam at a time and concentrating solely one that particular exam in order to pass,and now i have 6 in one week, thats 2 a day for a few of them.... help? anyone? didnt think so.
Had my assesment for clinical the other day, took mum in as my patient, passed that no worries, and got the results back for my human development exam got a 85% pass in that one, not great but it'll do.
At least when exam week is over i have a 4 week holiday before im back for the next unit, and at least unit 2 is only 4 papers instead of this units 6, but they are big papers so we'll see how we do. I will be having a 3week stint in a rest home for unit2 so that is something i am terrified of!!! when i am nursing i am not planning on having anything to do with old people, im not going to be on the wards i am going to be in the emergency room or theatre but i still have to do this rest home bussiness for my degree. blah. the one thing i never ever want to do is get old, and this is just going to set that into concrete for me i think.
anyways, i just thought id come in and say hi to everyone, i have had half free day at uni so am mucking around on the computer waiting for my next class. hope everyone is well and not catching any of those horrible winter flu's that are going around

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

yeah yeah.... ive been away for ages and i havnt written anything i know i know

so im back, and i have absolutely nothing to say. haha how ya like that?

ok ill find something to write,
today i had another exam, i know! it seems like all i do is sit exams, when the hell do i get the time to learn the content?? well for this exam i didnt, it was human development through the lifespan, cognitive, psychosocial and biosocial...... boring. i was interested in the early childhood stuff, because it explained sooo much about my brat, but then i got bored... no not bored... depressed, you see from there it goes to school years, then adolescence, then early adulthood, middle and late adulthood and then... DEATH AND DYING arrgghhh, all a bit dark and gloomy for me to be honest, i mean i know the five stages of accepting death already blah blah blah, but an exam on dying? (as well as lots of other stuff) Doesnt help that this particular tutor hates me. i mean it, when i missed out on a 100%exam result by half a mark i asked her where i missed it so i knew, she told me, and i pointed out that i had written that particular thing so she got all shitty and couldnt tell me where id missed my point, so she walked away. bitch, then on another assignment i passed on the draft copy, but she later failed me bacause my margin was 1mm out. BITCH, of course as it was a draft it didnt matter thank god. but seriously.. bitch?? she doesnt pick on anyone else this bad either.

hmmm maybe i did have something to say


till next time xoxo

Thursday, May 11, 2006

tayla has croup.

she woke up in the middle of the night the other night, she was having extreme problems with breathing and a horrible cough. tried to calm her down at home but she wasnt having it, so off to the hospital we went, a good dose of steroids and some pamol had her calming down enough to sleep and we brought her home at 1am. but this is now her 3rd day off from kindy and my 2nd from tech. scott stayed home with her yesterday so i could go to class. but she has to go back tomorrow because i have to give a sociology presentation.

oh yeah, my microbiology exam, the one i thought i couldnt have done any worse on if i tried, turns out i got 78% which although it is a low mark for me, i'll take it!! so i did pass after all, and scotts giving me grief because of all the whinging i did about it, he says hes not going to listen to me complain about my marks anymore.... fine.... just means you lot have to !

Sunday, April 30, 2006

tayla and kahu

a little lion (tayla's favourite animal)

she loves the camera

back to uni tomorrow.... aarrgghhhh.

i'm not worried about getting back into the morning routine, i'm not even that worried about all the upcoming work and assignments, the one thing i have managed to keep out of my mind until today is this, tomorrow i get the results back from the microbiology exam. shit. i guess i cant hide from it anymore.
now i have resigned myself to the fact that i completely bombed that exam, but seeing in on the paper in front of me will be an entirely different story. why is that? why is that when you know something its still such a shock when you find out for sure?
Anyways i finished one assignment last night and did most of the homework i have had 2 weeks to do, typical me, last minute girl.
Tayla has gone with her grandma (hehe, yes thats what she's called) for the morning to the open day up at the museum so she'll be happily riding on the little train in no time, which gives me time to get the house clean and get ready for tomorrow...... hahahahaha yeah right, not when there's a 3 hour special of home and away on tv!
Scott is working 7 days a week at the moment and will be for at least the next month thanks to crazy deadlines at his work so i'm beginning to feel almost like a single gal again! well not really but i've barely seen him lately and wont be for quite a while.
i'm glad the blog craze is being carried on and brendon and lisa have now got a site too which means i can check all the cute photo's on even more of my lil rellie's and i promise i am in the process of sorting out some photo's of Tay for this site.

Friday, April 28, 2006

The painting is driving me nuts, its depressing me, not just cos its so big and is taking so long but it is a depressing picture. ho hum.

Anyway, the holidays are nearly over and i have achieved absolutely nothing, which is quite fulfilling in itself really.

While my brothers are dealing with winter cold with the kids and all that lil person stuff my household is looking upwards and onwards, tayla doesnt wet the bed anymore, YAY (i hate doing washing) she uses words and not just high pitched squealing sounds to get what she wants, AND (the best of the lot) we are beggining to eradicate the "i need" from her vocabulary!!! plus now when we take her to the pools she wants to spend more time in the bigger deep pool which is way more fun for those of us that enjoy swimming in a pool where the water comes above our knees.
She is also starting to watch the type of cartoons that i like! bunus huh.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Well i've found something to do....and then some!
a friend asked me a couple of months ago if i could do a large scale painting of a photo he took while on holiday in his home country of south africa before his newly found love came over to nz so it was finished when she got here (they met on said holiday) so of course i said yes cos i had so long to do it. when he never brought me the photo or the canvas i assumed he'd scrapped the idea.
a couple of days ago he shows up with a giant canvas and his camera..... no paints, you see he wants it done in oils (i HATE painting with oils) so i go out and buy the paints, which he will be fixing me up for lately........ uh huh.......$75 later im sat here with a huge canvas a photo (which i also had to pay to get printed out) and some horrible oil paints. Now this is a fairly complex picture, being in black and white some would think that makes it easier... well not quite, its actually quite tricky to get all the contrasts right and make it look good, those who have blown up a photo will know that they tend to look a little rough, so i have to take a photo, blow it up like a million times and make it not look rough.

Did i mention he then told me i have a month to finish it. SHIT.

I also have 2 assignments to do and a brat to attempt to control.

My next big challenge is to try and get a lazy pomme and an equally morning challenged 3yr old up to go to the dawn parade next week. I do like a challenge, but not that much of a challenge. How do you motivate a 3yr old who has no idea what an Anzac is to get up at like 4am to go and pay her respects to those who served our country in the war? Well i figure if i can work out a way i may even be able to get her to apply it to her mother when she's at home..... i know im delusional, but just give me my moment.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

i know i said that on the holidays i was going to do nothing..... but i am soooo BORED
holidays are great..... for a couple of days and then it sux. Im running out of things to do and its only thursday on the 1st week. damn.
so far i have eaten...watched tv.... and eaten some more.
so if anyone has any great suggestions let me know, as long as they dont involve cleaning and cooking im down with it

Monday, April 17, 2006

i'm hung-over, but it is not one of those boring old alcohol hang-overs.... oh no, that would be way too easy, its a hang-over that consists of a mixture of chocolate and children.
my house is completely trashed, as is my spirit. it seems to me that everyone is trying alternative means of driving me to the edge, (singstar?) i mean if they really want me dead surely something as simple as a single bullet would be better? much more humane thats for sure.
anyway i won't be keeping you with my complaining for long tonight i just wanted to get that little bit off my chest. so i am going out to buy some dinner because i cant see my kitchen at the moment, i think it is buried under all the chocolate boxes and wrappers.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

why is it that as responsible, fairly intelligent people we annually subject ourselves to the horror show that is easter? i mean we know what chocolate does to our kids in small doses right? so why in gods name do we go out and buy the biggest coolest chocolate novelty's every year? do we have that much of a limit on our memory that we forgot what happened last year when we pumped our kids full of sugar? i think i block it out, like you do with most horrible trauma's in your life i mentally block out easter.

This year is not exception, there were three of them, smashing easter eggs on their heads (was really funny till tayla tried to do it with a creme egg....... those babies are hard!) they were running aroung like headless chickens, beating each other up and all sorts of madness my brain has already begun turning into a haze.

It got to the point where we sent them out into the garden to look for fairies, you see to find a real live fairy you have to be super still, and best of all completely silent!! it lasted all of 10minutes but trust me, right now those felt like the best 10minutes of my life!!!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Today i'm in mourning

i am grieving for all the poor innocent songs that were brutally murdered last night.

at approximately 2am tayla awoke to the sound of what i like to call "The death of Bob Marley" thats right they even killed Bob. Now this is a notable event on account of the fact that tayla can sleep through anything, well could until last night, she's slept through party's, even D.J's spinning in the room next to her bedroom but last night she was woken up to a terrible sound, poor girl. She sleepily wandered down and all she had to say is that they were too loud for her, and that it was a bad noise. i second that one, hell i'll third it too if i can.

We took her out to a restaraunt tonight for dinner to make up for it, she got to order anything she wanted, even those horrible sugar fuelled pink drinks they make for kids to punish parents for bringing children into their establishment. Thats how guilt ridden i was.

I know i've been going on about it, and i apologise but i just need to know there are others out there that feel my pain, I knew you would Trev.... but surely there are others????

i know its nearly 1am and i should be tucked up in bed but it's like a car wreck, i cant look away..Singstar.......i have a new respect for the spice girls, yes i said it, i never thought they could sound worse.... till i heard these singstar enthusiasts have a go, i mean really, how do u manage to sound worse than posh spice? apparently its not that hard. Don't even get me started on their version of the scissor sisters, only trained professionals should be allowed to even attempt those high notes.

Did they manage to get me up on the mic to have a go? HELL NO. i mean these people are actually delusional enough to think that they can hold a tune, they admit that they are tone deaf.....shit i wish i was, at least then i could live in their reality. In this parallel universe of theirs they are talented pop stars, POP STARS!!!

The neighbours must think i run some sort of animal torture house, strangling cats and raping donkeys and what not, thats what it sounds like...seriously.

on the upside tayla has gone to bed so at least she doesnt have to be subjected to suffering enough for both of us right now

Singstar is now banned from my house

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Yay last day of uni is over.... well for 2 weeks anyway.
and what better way to celebrate than to have a couple of the girls over with the 80's kareoke game SINGSTAR......... I can think if hundreds, i think chinese water torture may even come above the whole singstar phenomenon. But i caved and Taransay got her wish, which is basically alcohol fueled nursing students singing really bad 1980's hits.... damn her, but it means i get to pick the next party game, which (as trev and caleb will know) involves a couple of dice and punching eachother in the arm repeatedly, yes, much better.

for anyone wondering the exam was shit, but thats what i expected, tell ya what if i pass i will even lower myself to pick up a mic and sing with these girls next time they hire singstar....maybe...probably not.

so what do i plan to do with my 2weeks of holiday bliss? absolutely fricking nothing and im going to love every second of it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I have just now realised something fairly substantial about myself........ i'm an idiot.
ok so im not an idiot but today i do not feel smart. quite the opposite really.
I am in total denial regarding my upcoming exam, im just pretending like its not even happening, people talk about it and im like exam? what exam?
It certainly doesnt help that i am perceived as the class clown, (which by the way i have no idea how that happened) mind you people do tend to underestimate you when they think you're just around to make them laugh and god only knows i love the rise of an underdog! so we can only wait and see.
The way i figure it is that i am overly intelligent, i mean if i can create a social experiment like that without even realising im doing it surely thats a sign of higher intelligence...... right?.....course it is.
Here is an example of what i'm saying, we had an exam the other week and a friend and i were not getting it in class at all so one afternoon we decided to use our study flashcards and somehow turn them into a drinking game involving straight shots of bacardi, one whole bottle of bacardi, a 1/4 bottle of Kahlua and half a bottle of red wine later we were falling over the furniture dropping things BUT and this is the kicker, getting all the questions right. So we go to class the next day and tell some of our class mates about this new technique that we think is fantastic, now seriously how do you think they rated us after that? thats right they thought we were idiots.... did i mention i only missed out on 100% by half a mark on that exam? yeah exactly. So who are the idiots now huh?

The countdown continues........

Microbiology exam tomorrow..... hmm, had a study group last night, didnt go as well as expected on account of there being 4 kids 4yrs and under running around the place as well as a couple of bottles of wine, im pretty sure when you get up in the morning from a study session you 're not meant to have a sore head and a trashed house. oh well.

Thankyou anonomous for your encouraging words, now all i have to do is get there.

One thing that i cannot believe about this course is how much it costs! i mean first there's your fee's, nearly 5,000 a year, for three years, then there's your text books, 1,030 just for the 1st 6months, shit, this is going to kill me, then there's a uniform, coupley hundred there, and i just spent 200 bucks on a stethoscope, thats not even the lot! i could go on but i wont, im just having a rant to myself really. So i have voluntarily surrounded myself with sick people, made myself about as broke as you can get, am constantly torturing myself with the stress of exams and assignments and on top of that i hardly ever get to see my little girl..... Apparently i love working under pressure but does anyone else think i may have gone a little overboard this time?

me too

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

ok so i need a drink, a strong one. NOW.
who in their right mind gives an exam, on MICROBIOLOGY!?!?! on the last day of the term, i mean really? for one, microbiology is no easy feat, not for someone who has spent the last 6 and a half years studying nothing but the effects of alcohol on ones body... and wallet.
So i went and decided i wanted to be a nurse, i was sick of serving drunks so why not just wait till they get drunk and then deal with them up at A&E (the department i am hoping to get placement in) everything has been going brilliantly too might i add, excellent results in my exams so far, (missed out on 100% by half a mark on my last one) Hospital training has been going well too, turns out i can talk to sick people without them dying on me. But then there's a spanner in the works, what i like to call microbiology, ok so i didnt come up with the name but hey.
I mean what am i going to use it for anyway?..... yes yes i know... a lot, but i dont like it, its technical-im creative, its precise-im chaotic, its hard-im ..... not even going there. I've tried everything, reading it, drawing it, googled it, shit i even tried listening in class. nothing.
wish me luck team, im going in!

On a brighter note however i would like to say a HUGE congrat's to my big brother Trev on the arrival of Lonan, Jonty, and Ava, yay babies, good luck to you and Breda and i cant wait to come visit, ill wait till the nappy thing is over though, ive done my dash with those. If you're ever after some helpful parenting advice, ask someone else, i dont even know where my kid is at the moment. im kidding, she's playing with my hair straightener in the bathroom. Ok so seriously, we're all here for you guys and planning on moving to the UK when ive finished my 3years so, ok you are 100% right, i cant plan what im doing tomorrow so im not going to plan what im doing in 3 years time. But it is looking hopeful.